Jumat, 25 November 2011


check this out!
 i design it by myself..

Jumat, 29 Juli 2011

My Best Friend

i met my best friend today, she lived out of town..
glad to see you today Wina..wish u all the best.. ;)

Senin, 18 Juli 2011


wanna know the real bout fitness? check this link out..


Minggu, 17 Juli 2011

They Almost Gone

Look at that moon, so beautiful, how long you think it still can be like that ?
That star light, pretty right, are you sure you wanna lose it ?
What about that trees, that flowers, nothing better than..
I don’t want they gone..
I want to see the beauty of it every morning when I wake up, every night before I go to sleep..
I will keep them, no wonder how..

Kamis, 14 Juli 2011

Indonesia menempati urutan ke-3 negara dengan angka kematian tertinggi akibat MEROKOK

Semua orang tahu akibat mematikan dari rokok, but wht we got.. they still enjoy it..
jangan tunggu sampai sekarat baru sadar..untuk apa??

Rabu, 13 Juli 2011

Mitos Kecantikan

apa bener coklat bikin jerawatan? kulit berminyak nggak butuh pelembap?
baca dulu llink ini..


enjoy the link.. :)

Video of Lady Gaga


“The world that never sad”

There’s a world..

Full of laugh

Full of peace

Full sense of humanity

This world, full of Bless

Happiness, happiness everywhere..

No place for sadness, not at all..

The world that never sad..

salam kenal..

hi saya jessica..
selamat menikmati blog saya
semoga menarik.. ;)